Sharon Callahan, founder of Anaflora flower essences, closed Anaflora in early 2021. Anaflora had sold out of flower essences by then, and I sold out shortly afterward. I am so very sorry that they are no longer available to the world, since they were a remarkable healing modality, in a class of their own. I remain thankful always for the amazing assistance they provided for so many animals and people for so many years.
See the last item on the drop down menu for this section for more information about what you can do in the absence of the Anaflora essences.
Elizabeth is a certified Anaflora flower essence practitioner with many years of experience working with animals and flower essences.
Flower essences are non-aromatic, liquid tinctures which are prepared in such a way that they hold the energetic imprint, or life force, of a particular plant or flower. They are holistic and treat the entire individual, not just the symptoms of a disease. They work on the innermost level of the animal or person being treated and activate the being’s innate ability to heal itself. Rather than attacking disease, their effect is to lift the vibration of the whole being, transforming negative qualities and processes into positive ones and stimulating a being’s own potential to heal itself.
The essences restore balance and harmony to a person or animal’s entire being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. They are exceptionally gentle but highly effective. Like homeopathic medicine, they give the innermost person or animal exactly the nudge that it needs to remember how to heal itself. Along with Reiki and animal communication, they involve no harm to any living thing to produce their healing benefits.