Death & Grief Article

end of life careThe time around an animal’s transition can be a period of greater closeness for the animal and his person as well as a time of growth and transformation; for this reason working with people and their animals during this period is very rewarding. Animal communication, Reiki, and flower essences help people and their animals to be able to move through an animal’s transition with greater ease and peace.

When an animal is approaching his transition, communication is reassuring for both the animal and his person. Animals often have important matters they want to talk about with their people as they prepare to leave this world. These matters can involve their physical comfort, the effects of treatments and/or medications, eating issues, and important emotional and spiritual matters they want to share with their people before they leave.

Communicating with an animal assists people in understanding how to help their companion be comfortable at the end of his life and, along with Reiki and flower essences, helps the transition to be as easy and peaceful as possible for everyone. Most importantly, communication helps the animal and the person to share their hearts with each other so that each can have comfort and a sense of completion as their time together in a physical form draws to an end.

“I spent millions of years in the world of organic things as a star, as a rock…then I died and became a plant–Forgetting my former existence because of its otherness. Then I died and became an animal–Forgetting my life as a plant except for inclinations in the season of spring and sweet herbs–like inclinations of babes toward thier mother’s breast. Then I died and became a human. My intelligence ripened, awakening from greed and self-seeking to become wise and knowing. I behold a a hundred thousand intelligences most marvelous and remember my former states and inclinations. And when I die again I will soar past the angels to places I cannot imagine-Now what have I ever lost by dying?”

-Rumi (“What Have I Ever Lost by Dying”)


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